Why am I dizzy? (case study 2)
In the last article we discussed the dizziness which is feeling dizzy when getting up from sitting or lying down. There is another type of dizziness which is dizzy while sitting, lying or standing. It feels…
In the last article we discussed the dizziness which is feeling dizzy when getting up from sitting or lying down. There is another type of dizziness which is dizzy while sitting, lying or standing. It feels…
There are several types and causes for dizziness. In this article we will discuss a specific type of dizziness which is Ok when sitting or lying down but feeling dizzy when getting up. In classical…
Tinnitus Tinnitus is hearing noise on one or both ears that are not from the outside environment. The noise may be constant or come in bouts and may vary in intensity and character. Sounds can…
Do you have blood deficiency? Do you have the experience of bending down for 2 minutes and when you get up you feel dizzy or even blacked out for a second? In Qing Dynasty the…